Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Brewed Liberty Light Stout

Rebecca asked me to brew a lighter stout recipe, since I've mostly been making strong stouts lately. On Sunday, I brewed a version of Palmer's Short Stout. I'm renaming it to Liberty Light Stout, due to the selection of the hops, and that it was brewed so close to the 4th of July. I took Palmer's grain bill:

6.5 lbs 2-row
.5 lb chocolate
.5 lb. crystal 60L
.5 lb. dextrin malt (Carapils)
.5 lb. roasted barley

OG: 1.040 for 5.5 gallons (I have an extra .5 gallon of water, he had 1.050)

For the hops, I used what I had:
1 oz. 4.7% Liberty (60)
.875 oz. 6% Northern brewer (20)
.5 oz. 4.5% Fuggle (20)
1 oz. 4.7% Liberty (5)

Yeast: Washed wyeast 1056 (Chico)

Brew day went pretty well, I started at ~ 10a and finished at 2:30p. I did a mash of 154 degrees for 60 minutes, then added water and stirred a little to raise the temperature of the mash to 170. Then, I set up my continuous sparge with 182 degree water. I sparged until the gravity was 0.994 at 145 degrees, which under temperature correction means it was right there at the 1.010 stopping point, and collected ~ 7.5 gallons of wort. I boiled it vigorously for 80 minutes, and then chilled and racked the beer off the trub using a siphon sprayer to airate the wort as it goes into the carboy. I put my funnel (sanitized) into the carboy and poured my jar of yeast in. Fermentation started in 8 hours, and still has 1/2 inch of krausen on it.

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